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Exhibition Poster image by Leslie Jay Bosch

Cause a Sensation!

Sensory perception informs artistic interpretation of the world. All the senses; sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch, are sources of inspiration for the artist. The artist’s mind translates the sensory information from the body into art. Artists are invited in this exhibition to delight viewers with a feast for their senses.


Stephen Graci – Karin Yahr


Leslie Jay Bosch – Gina Brostmeyer – Michelle Grace – Carolyn Greener – Heather Haley – Suzanne Knorr – Patricia Koleini – Shanae Lavelle – Jerry Orban – Claire Remsberg – Paula Sinclair – Jessie Swimeley – Rena Vandewater – Kat von Breithaupt

Important Dates

  • May 3, 2022 Exhibition installed
  • Opening Reception June 10, 2022 6-8pm
  • September 13, 2022 Exhibition closes

Featured Artist

Karin Yahr

Artists Statement

Sitting peacefully, just listening to the energy of the wind in the trees, the birds chirping, and feeling the sun warm up the air.

Artist Bio

My name is Karin Yahr, an artist, hiker, runner, and psychologist. I am inspired by the colors of nature, the way light and color change with each hour of the day. The vibrancy that exists is breathtaking and captures my soul. My goal is to capture this in my paintings.

I am inspired by the colors of nature.

The way light and color change with each hour of the day. The vibrancy that exists is breathtaking and captures my soul. Hikers are the fortunate ones, as they experience the energy and beauty first hand.  I paint to capture this feeling.

Contact Info

Featured Artist

Stephen Graci

Artists Statement

I typically work on made to order and just for fun 3D pieces that have a working clock and some form of interactivity. This painting has no clock, lights, or other interactive components other than the presenting my Fantasy of a Universal Human looking toward freedom symbolized with the Raven that all art, calls upon you the viewer, to allow your sense of fantasy to see who you imagine in the work and see him/her looking forward and doing what you decide. 

Artist Bio

I am pleased to be a member of the Artists Alliance and have the opportunity to show my work for potential exhibit. In addition to reestablishing my art in photography and what I call experimental painting, I have been trying to create 3D pieces that cause simple toys and other items to come together into what I call “Artoons”.  These typically begin as working clocks with some interactive component that may include more than clocks such as internal lights and touch sound. Hope you are amused by my work and will contact me for a custom-made order.

Contact Info

(208) 995-4007


Leslie Jay Bosch

May 21, 2022

Leslie Jay Bosch

May 21, 2022

Gina Brostmeyer

May 21, 2022

Gina Brostmeyer

May 21, 2022

Gina Brostmeyer

May 21, 2022

Gina Brostmeyer

May 21, 2022

Michelle Grace

May 21, 2022

Michelle Grace

May 21, 2022

Michelle Grace

May 21, 2022

Michelle Grace

May 21, 2022

Michelle Grace

May 21, 2022

Michelle Grace

May 21, 2022

Carolyn Greener

May 21, 2022

Heather Haley

May 21, 2022

Heather Haley

May 21, 2022

Suzanne Knorr

May 21, 2022

Patricia Koleini

May 21, 2022

Patricia Koleini

May 21, 2022

Patricia Koleini

May 21, 2022

Shanae Lavelle

May 21, 2022

Shanae Lavelle

May 21, 2022

Jerry Orban

May 21, 2022

Claire Remsberg

May 21, 2022

Claire Remsberg

May 21, 2022

Claire Remsberg

May 21, 2022

Jessie Swimeley

May 21, 2022

Jessie Swimeley

May 21, 2022

Jessie Swimeley

May 21, 2022

Paula Sinclair

May 21, 2022

Paula Sinclair

May 21, 2022

Paula Sinclair

May 21, 2022

Rena Vandewater

May 21, 2022

Rena Vandewater

May 21, 2022

Rena Vandewater

May 21, 2022

Rena Vandewater

May 21, 2022

Kat von Breithaupt